Sunday, January 27, 2013

100th Day of School

JJ, Hannalee and Dusty all celebrated the 100th Day of School this week!

Jj took 100 pieces of candy to share and wrote a story about what he would do if he $100!!

This is what it says, and I quote:

"If I had a $100 dolrs, I would bull ride and go to the rodeo and wrk hord.  I wont $100!!!"

JerryJohn Cloud

And then Hannalee had to actually count out her 100 things for homework and take those to school. She of course chose M&M's!!  WE gave her a 100's chart to put one M&M and in each square to help her keep  track.  Her and her daddy did a good job!  

And if Hannalee had $100 dollars she would buy a puppy!

And then Mr. Cloud was supposed to dress up like he was 100 years old!!! He left the house and we thought he just looked dressed up for church or something.  JJ thought he looked like Mr Woodson, the principal!  But-- add an old pair of glasses and a cane to walk with.....he looked pretty old!!!  All of the kids dressed up like they were 100 years old! Good job, honey!!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I saw Dusty through his classroom door all dressed up with his tie on that day. He mouthed, "I feel 100." I didn't see the glasses and cane! I thought he looked really nice! Hannalee showed me her 100 chart...she was proud, and I'm not surprissd that she'd buy a puppy. JJ...what can I say! You keep telling me you won't be a bull rider! I can't ever hope you get $100, but I love you!
