Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Daddy's Wheat Harvest

We about missed all of wheat harvest....luckily we were in town just in time to
spend MAYBE 30 minutes on the combine with Papa.

we were really bringing him over a Cherry Cream Pie 
for Father's Day and picking up a "Bountiful Basket" for a friend.

So.....JJ and Hannalee got to go a few rounds in the combine 
at the McCarty Farm.

I only wished I had my "real" camera with me....and I wish
I had a picture of the kids standing out in the wheat field.

Next year!  

Love you, Papa!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you came over and brought me my favorite pie. It's a good thing you helped me eat part of it. I'm glad you helped me cut wheat! You were good helpers. It went pretty fast. I love you both! PaPa John
